Recently, I reached out to you all on Twitter to find out what Christmas means to you, and I got such a positive response! Thanks so much to everyone who got involved! It was a great insight to see what you all get up to and what lovely answers you gave! I'd definitely like to do more posts like this in the New Year, so do let me know if you'd like that?
Before I share what this lovely Twitter lot said, it's only right I share with you what Christmas means to me!
Christmas to me means sharing my time with both sides of my family & my boyfriend, appreciating loved ones and feeling lucky to be so fortunate. Not forgetting the cheesy party games, endless amounts of food and that overly dramatic Eastenders Christmas Special!
Now, here is what you said..
@teabeeblog Christmas to me means time off work. Time to enjoy some food, enjoy some beer. Spend time with friends and family. Relax
@teabeeblog To me Christmas means getting to spend time with my family. It's a chance to reminisce and appreciate the past year with some of the best people in it. It's a chance to give back and show them my appreciation.
@teabeeblog Christmas means feeling warm and cozy and spending time with people you care about.Then booking some time to yourself to recover
@teabeeblog Christmas means thinking about/spending time with close family, choosing special gifts for them and sharing your time with them
@teabeeblog Christmas to me means spreading the love! Whether its sending out positive vibes in the blogging community on Twitter, posting some Christmas cards to old friends, donating to charity, or making a gift for someone close to you, Christmas is the time to make everyone in your life feel loved! My message to everyone is: Embrace the festive spirit!

@teabeeblog Xmas to me is going to midnight mass Xmas eve then spending Xmas day with the family and a country walk on Boxing Day 

@teabeeblog Christmas means: yummy food, rubbish jokes, dramatic tv, but above all of that it's time spent with the best family & friends 

@teabeeblog To me, Xmas is the season where there Is no room for sadness! It's a jolly season, filled with laughter, food and happiness! This is exactly why it's my favourite time of year as everyone I come across always have a smile on their face!
@teabeeblog spending time with the family, always has been, always will be!
@teabeeblog It's all about family; traditions, laughter, heartache and love. Basking in the magic of this special time of year & savouring every moment.
@teabeeblog Total bliss. The only day of the year where I always let myself relax properly. Surrounded by loved ones with no to do list!
@teabeeblog Christmas means spending time with my family and being thankful for our health and all of our memories together 

@teabeeblog For me Christmas means spending time with loved ones and appreciating what you have!
@teabeeblog Christmas to me means guilt-free time off work to spend with all my friends & family with lots of food! 

@teabeeblog family, gingerbread houses, giving great surprise presents, pigs in blankets, eating til you explode and christmas songs! 

@teabeeblog Good food, good company, giving to others & good times :)
@teabeeblog food
@teabeeblog Lots of food, love and (Christmas) films 

"Just some thoughts as we enter the Christmas season. It is important to remember that not everyone is looking forward to Christmas. Some people are not surrounded by large wonderful families. Some of us are having problems during Christmas and may be overcome with great sadness when we remember the loved ones who are not with us.
For many it is their first Christmas without a particular loved one and many others lost loved ones at this time. And, many people have no one to spend these times with and are overcome with loneliness. We all need caring, loving thoughts right now.
If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my friends wherever you might be, to kindly post this status for one hour to give a moment of support to all those who are having family troubles, health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us, for nobody is immune."
This was written by my lovely friend, Viv (her blog link is here). She's such a talented writer and everything she said here is SO beyond true! Just some food for thought.
What does Christmas mean to you? How will you be spending it this year?
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