Anyway, some happenings this weekend have spurred a little bit of a happy ramble.. Hopefully you can make sense of it!
Very spontaneously, I joined my first ever #GRLPOWR chat last night and I left feeling so content and happy! The community of girls in that chat were some of the loveliest I have ever met (online.. obvs), as well as the amazing ones in The Girl Gang.
That brings me onto this..
I constantly worry about my content: Is it good enough? Do people like my writing style? Do I ramble too much? Is it boring? Is my photography crap? Trust me, I still have a 1000 other questions I ask myself every time I write a post. I know what you're thinking.. Stop worrying.
Last night's chat was all about progress and achievements. It was so great to see so many positive answers floating around, along with the lovely compliments I received from people I had never even spoken to before. Most were actually answered those questions that run through my mind on a daily basis - it was so reassuring and uplifting!
I actually teared up at some of the tweets people sent and the messages I received throughout and after the chat - it was so overwhelming! Living in a world with so much negativity, it's easy to forget how simple one act of kindness is and what a difference it can make to someone's day/month/week.
Aside from the amazing support from family and friends, the blogging community are like a different kind of family - they will always pick you up when you're feeling down (even if you least expect it!) and go out of their way to help you. I'm so happy to have found it - I've never felt more at home. <3
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